
So, what is it we do?

16:09 18 April in analysis, cloud security, consultancy, Cyber security, Incident Response, Management, monitoring, security monitoring, security operations, small business, staff awareness, training by robp

So, what is it you do? I’m often asked by people outside the cyber security industry what is it, in fact, that I do. A reasonable question, and my usual answer is ‘stuff, for people’. Partly that is a hangover from the government days, and partly because consultancy is...

Directors in meeting room

Directors Cyber Responsibility

10:51 08 March in Cyber security, Management by robp

Back in the old days, when I first started working in this sector, cyber security had a different name – we called it IT security. Now you may or may not like the ‘cyber’ moniker (plenty of my colleagues really dislike it!) but it does...